The way I'm choosing to design my home may make you uneasy.
Thrifting isn’t what I thought it would be…
Autumn Oak motif
By now we all know that I can’t help but taking my floral cutting sheers on the road with my every time I decide its time for a bit of a change in our living space.
Usually things means I’ve found sometime that inspired me and want to bring a bit of the out doors in.
This Autumn we took a trip to Bend,Oregon. We all decided (two families worth of people) that if children are coming, it’s a trip, if it’s only adults it’s a vacation. You can only imagine what that 10 hour drive was like with a 2.5 year old. - moving on. I was inspired by the colorful mountain scapes. The oak trees popped from the evergreens creating the type of scenery people usually only see via the Internet. I wished we could see the same in our woodlands. I hadn’t remembered oak trees turning anywhere near my home.
BUT THEY DO!!! - Shortly after that trip Ryan and myself took a bit of a getaway for our 7th year anniversary. On our way back through our own evergreen mountains I noticed there were a ridiculous amount of Oak trees in our area and THAT WAS IT. I had to bring that feeling inside. And so of course I did.
I created a bit of an oak and evergreen garland with a touch of pinecones for some added texture on the console table from world market, a wreathe and placed a branch on the hand turned end table next to my beloved down cushioned couch. Here is a bit of a peak into what the bedroom has looked like for the last few weeks.
“…the root system compared to the the budding flower or towering tree, it isn’t something to behold..”