Roots vs Petals
Why is it that growth happens in the dark before the light?
We don’t think about the very beginning stages of growth as something to be admired. If you think about the root system compared to the budding flower or towering tree, it isn’t something to behold. I personally would rather look at the beautiful colors and textures of a flower or leaf than the rough and mixed up mess of a root system. They root system isn’t pretty, doesn’t seem to have any sort of rhyme or reason to it, yet it holds the foundations of every natural plant in the world.
I’ve been thinking about my journey lately. My many years of “failures”. Trying to get one business off the ground just to start another after self sabotaging it or just understanding that it’s just not the right time. I do think that all things happen for a reason and life comes with its ebs and flows. The seasons of “unfinished” projects is hopefully coming to an end as Im learning more about myself, how I work, what motivates me and what scares the ish out of me. I feel like I know myself, I understand my limitations and the fact that I will need to grow out of them. And that is what this season of solitude has encompassed for me.
I needed some time for self reflection and boy did the pandemic help with that. We had it rough but we are still so so blessed. And through it all I am reminded that its ok if now one sees your growth or if its a jumbled, mixed up mess. Its growth. And when the timing is right, it will give life to something so so beautiful.
This post is my reminder to not mind the ugliness of the mess I see - when my internal being is going through growth. But instead, to embrace it knowing that the longer it takes to grow in the dark the more beautiful and long lasting the tree will grow.