Monday Spruce - Spring showers bring May flowers
Walks through the neighborhoods of Amador County always end with picked wild flowers in hand and a full heart. On Mondays my usual local coffee shop is closed so I have had to shift the usual morning routine of sitting on a leather couch, journaling, to a cool sunrise walk along the beautiful hills and my favorite Oak tree filled landscapes. I really couldn’t tell you which one I prefer.
Once home I put my apron on and get to work cleaning the home to set myself up for a productive week. Am I Perfect with this? No. But setting myself a weekly schedule up is prepping myself for success. And so far this has worked wonders.
MONDAY SPRUCES — have become a staple in our household and wild flower pickings always make it in to a vase of some sort and are displayed for the week until they wilt away. Yes they don’t last long but they bring me joy and I’ve figured out a how to make them last longer than most.
How to make your wild flowers arrangement
Pick 3to 4 varieties of flowers/greenery - think about texture and chose complimentary colors
Use filtered water - Most of us have heavily chlorinated or mineral filled water, changing it up to filtered gives them an extra reason to stay alive a bit longer for you to enjoy
De-stem/de-leaf your flowers- Leaves touching water will make the water go rancid in a matter of 24 hours. De-leafing your stems will help keep them fresh. Leaving 3/4 inches of a clean stem usually is the way to go.
Start with a green base - use it to create your general shape and move on to placing your flowers in one my one. Don’t know where to place them? Think “If I were a flower, where would I grow? Look for an appealing spot and just go for it.
There really is no right way to create a wild flower arrangement. Some florists would disagree. Maybe you do too, but ultimately, they have just gotten a lot more practice in understanding placement. No wild flower ever looks out of place on a hillside so the “Where would I grow?“ has been a simple but effective approach to creating something pleasing to the eyes.
A new arrangement with a pop of color and texture will bring new energy into any space. This week we placed it in the kitchen and Im loving it.
Id love to see what you do for your Monday Spruce this week! Tag me on instagram @jannatenney and use the hashtag #MONDAYSPRUCE